Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Congratulations Caroline!

I'm delighted to announce the engagement of Caroline & Brent

Nice rock Brent! Must have cost at least a months wages - fair play!

Caroline, my cousin, is just back from Saudi Arabia for good and is currently enjoying herself (or himself if you want to put it that way) in the US

Lansdowne Road

Triona, John, Diarmuid and myself were that the last Irish Rugby International to be played in Lansdowne Road recently for the Ireland v Pacific Islands match. It was a decent match - the result never being in doubt though. The weekend before Diarmuid, Tim and myself went up for the Australia game which was a different animal altogether with an Irish performance I'll never forget.

We were sitting in the south terrace for both matches which wasn't ideal from a photography point of view. However - if you are interested you can look at some pictures here.

Moving house

Sorry for not posting in so long. We've been busy buying a house and trying to get everything completed so that we can move in before Christmas. Timing from hell but we're looking forward to it! Hopefully all the paper work will be completed in the next day or so and we'll be in this weekend coming. Here's hoping anyhow!

Pictures will follow once/when we get in. If you want to see where the house is though check out this map.